Healthy Microbiome, Healthy You: New Insights In Preventing Painful UTIs

If you suffer from frequent urinary tract infections, you’ll be happy to hear there are new treatment strategies on the horizon that may stop infections before they start.

These new approaches are built on what scientists have learned about the microbiome inside the urinary tract — the community of helpful microbes inside your urinary system. Keeping these microbes healthy and balanced actually reduces your chances of experiencing the pain, pressure, and burning sensations that come with UTIs.

What’s a “microbiome” and why does it matter?

Imagine the microbiomes in your body as living communities of tiny organisms that perform key roles in maintaining good health. For example, the microbiome in your digestive system not only helps you gain nutrients from what you eat and drink, but medical experts believe it plays a role in boosting immunity, maintaining mental health and more.

For decades, experts believed the urinary tract didn’t have its own special microbiome. But newer studies reveal that our urinary tracts host microbes that help keep uropathogens — the bio-agents that cause UTIs — from taking over.

When things are balanced, UTIs are less likely to happen

The development of new DNA sequencing techniques has given scientists a window into the urinary microbiome and how it works. Thanks to new studies, we now know that:

  • UTIs can be caused by several uropathogens working together, which may explain why lab tests that don’t screen for multiple pathogens can miss signs of infection.

  • Imbalances in the urinary microbiome may allow uropathogens to thrive, setting the stage for UTIs.

  • Supplements that support a healthy microbiome can prevent UTIs — awesome news for all women, especially those who suffer from recurring infections.

How to boost your urinary microbiome

If you’ve ever taken antibiotics for a UTI, your doctor may have recommended you take probiotic supplements. Now there are targeted probiotics that are specially formulated to cultivate a healthy urinary microbiome. For example, Utiva Probiotic Power Supplement provides 30 billion CFUs of lactobacilli and bifidobacterium strains that enhance both urinary and digestive health.

Supplements aimed at the urinary microbiome can be a practical, low-cost way of preventing UTIs. They’re definitely worth considering as you put together your personal strategy for urinary tract health.


Haunted by Urinary Tract Infections? Here’s How to Fight Back


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